Why you should start your Private Pilot Licence in 2024
Your adventure awaits
Getting started on the journey towards a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) in 2024 is easier than ever before. We’ll look at the top reasons for you to start training this year with Fife Flight Centre
Advanced Technology
As a startup Fife Flight Centres strategy was always to come into an established market with something brand new, and to do things other legacy training providers cannot and will not do. Phase 1 of that was getting next generation hardware to train on. For now that is the Tecnam P2002, a lightweight modern 2 seat trainer. Able to complete all phases of training, this aircraft is a delight to fly, and since its close to brand new it doesn’t have the maintenance issues that legacy providers will have operating 40+ year old aircraft.
Due to a lower maintenance requirement Tecnam P2002’s have the training output of 4 legacy aircraft while burning less than a third of the fuel. And the fuel we use is unleaded, we are the only flight training provider in the UK that can run totally on unleaded fuel due to having advanced, modern engines.
Flight Centre, not Flying School
In starting this company we decided not to be a school but a Centre, for training both initial and continuous, a place you can get your wings from but keep flying as a part of without feeling stuck at school. Our experienced instructors help our students from first flight onwards, and we regularly mentor and improve the flying of those with hundreds of hours of training.
Strong Demand for Pilots
If you are looking at training to be a commercial pilot then our training and hourbuilding is the quickest and most cost effective way of doing so. One of our recent students calculated they have saved well over £8,000 in landing fees alone by moving their training and hourbuilding over to us. Strong demand for airline pilots also means a strong demand for Flight Instructors, we can help you get there and advise on ways of saving money and time by training under our regime.